First of all let us get this thing straight. In order to find out why the Treasurer resign and get all the slander accusation: Mr Lee - The Treasurer have personally run a post mortem to explained what is really happen with proof and picture taken.
Mr Lee was invited to join a whatapps “Bayu Villa Sharing Group” somewhere in December 2016. The purpose for him joining this group because it is easy for him to counter any issue arises from the residents and to monitor any main issue.
Inside this group there are almost 100 residents watching. If there is a complaint or problem arise the Treasurer will eventually call his manager (Mr Shashie) and ask him what is the problem and try to find some solution for it. Whatever the Treasurer wrote inside the forum or group it was never once the Treasurer would criticize anyone.
2014 EGM
Back in 2014 when Mr Lee was ask by few residents to help fight back the corrupted JMB, he did so by organizing few meeting with all the expenses paid by him to organize and to fight back the previous corrupted JMB. After some few meeting it was eventually agreed that Miss Sharmini would be elected to run for President, Miss Noorshemah would run for Secretary and Mr Lee is offering himself to run as Treasurer as there is no one was willing to take up the post. During that time Mr Lee has no intention to run for any post but they reach a consencus to win the election.
When the election was held, to his surprised he was back stab by Miss Sharmini and her groups during the voting session when they kick him out during the 1st election held on 6th July 2014. Many of Mr Lee's supporters got shocked with sudden change. None of Mr Lee's supporters see that coming. There was also a police report on him for breaking one of the committee’s car window screens.
Please refer the link here: 6th July 2014 EGM
The new group was eventually run for 3 months without any improvement at all. They fight each other. Lock the office door. Collection all collapse. It was later found out that the groups have trick the President into believing them and elected them to become the committee members. The President knows that she has been trick when she runs the office operation.
Then Mr Lee makes up his mind and decision to help them. Many of his supporters objected his decision of going back because it is not worthy to go back as they have back stab him from behind once and they will back stab him once again later and make him feel shame along way.
Mr. Lee told his supporters don't worry because he knows what he is doing and he knew they have been trick into believing they are the eligible committees to run the management.
During that time it was so pity to see that the new committee can’t even performs after all and for this Mr Lee has to work very hard with COB Klang and file many complaint and reports to make sure that the elected committee is invalid. No doubt he is losing every battle but he is not losing any war yet.
Please refer to this link: 21st September 2014 EGM
In the end Mr Lee's team manage to win the war after he able to convince the COB Klang that the committee members that has been elected previously was elected by the defaulters of maintenance fees. He voluntarily offers himself to help the President again. This time they work together and they win the elections with new fresh committees.
Invitation to Join Bayu Villa Sharing Group
As we can see the Treasurer was invited into the whatapps “Bayu Villa Sharing Group” somewhere in December 2016 to answer and to counter any problem arises and he didn’t plan any secret meeting. Everyone inside the group knows what is happening especially Mr Daniel. There were several requests from residents and the meeting got nothing to do with JMB Bayu Villa.
In the group he never mentions anything bad about his President since he joined the group because that is not his principal and he have nothing to share about the President story. When few residents wanted to know more where was the President, out of good intention and consensus from residents, on the 5th April 2017 Mr Daniel inviting the President inside the group to help and sort out many issue regarding security guards but the Treasurer was so surprised when he was hammer and humilated to the extend he has lost his reputation and respect to the President.
On the 8th April 2017 after the President reading one of the residents asking whether there would be a meeting held on 13th April 2017, the President got angry and started to throw slander accusation towards Mr Lee. It catches Mr Lee by surprised. Was the Treasurer so stupid enough to curse his President or even his management inside a forum?
Here are some of the biggest slander accusation throw by the President.
1) The President slander accusation statement: 9th April 2017
Ini kan baru tau. Mr. Lee ada “secret” meeting dengan resident. JMB tak tau pun. Feedback tak pernah sampai kat kita pun. Discuss discuss lepas tu buat ikut suka. Tak pernah dapat consensus.
Langsung tak respect JMB. Kita dah agree dalam meeting semua hal kena update dalam “WhatsApps group JMB” tapi buat kerja belakang JMB. JMB no clue.
The best we can do kalau boleh … Block cheque je… itu pun kalau tak boleh kena sue …
Haiz …. penat …penat
9th April 2017 posting
On 16th March 2017 the President left the whatapps “JMB AJK” group. The Treasurer was so surprised why the President makes such a move and jump out from the group. He assumes the President is not interested anymore or else the President won’t be jumping out.
Before the President jump out, numerous times the President told the committees she doesn’t want to continue to be the President in the next election. Did the President accidentally press and jump out? When the President jump out from the group, she left 4 committees member inside the group with the manager still inside. Remember it is on 16th March 2017.
1) Noorshemah – Secretary
2) Lee Boon Hoe – Treasurer
3) David Siew – AJK
4) Kevin Goh – AJK
5) Shashie – Building Manager
On the 3rd April 2017, the Treasurer agreed to have the meeting with the residents. The “Secret Meeting” that was claims by the President (cancel due to no response – 9th April 2017) is to discuss Mr Lee personal matters and explain to those residents about the previous AGM meeting on 20th November 2016 why people accusing him receiving money and put it into his accounts. Why these things happen in the first place? Many of those attended the meeting doesn’t know what is going on during the 2014 EGM. No doubt the meeting will also touches on several current issues.
On 5th November 2016 - AJK Umadevi jumps out from the group. The President jumps out from the whatapps “JMB AJK” group on 13th March 2017. The next AJK is Ariva who is also jumping out from the group on 25th March 2017.
Mr Lee decided to have a meeting after several request from residents. Mr Daniel should have known what is happening in the "Bayu Villa Sharing Group". He is the key person in the whatapps group.
As for the President who has jump out from an important group, would Mr Lee assume that the President is still interested in holding up the meeting with the residents? Previously the President never wants to meet up with the residents - saying it is a waste of time. Mr Lee respected her decision.
By jumping away from an important group already show that the President has throwing away the towel to manage the management. Here we can see the President frustrations comments posted on 20th January 2017.
On 20th January 2017. The President message - "Seriously I really have no time to manage the slacking Indera Management. I'm holding the post so that the cheques are still valid and the bank account is active. I would have let how otherwise and let people with more time to handle. And as usual Indera mgt didn't deliver...AGM postponed and nobody has time. We won't be having this discourse if Indera mgt did their job properly...totally cannot be relied on!"
Last year on 19th October 2016 before the 20th November 2016 AGM, out of good intention the Treasurer try to conduct several meeting to propose and to seek anyone interested to be elect into new committees or get re-elected and he invited all JMB’s AJK as well into the group.
Mr Lee was thinking the best out of it and created a whatapps group call “Bayu Villa 2017 New Committee Member” and he never has any personal own agenda. The decision to have this group is to protect the current JMB Bayu Villa as the Treasurer don’t want the current JMB falls into a wrong hand after current JMB have retrieve Bayu Villa in order.
He just wanted new fresh good committees. The President exited from the group and jump out from the group with the Secretary together. Many of them saw what is happening in the group that the President and the Secretary jump out from the group. They are unhappy when Mr Lee created this group.
The intention is already mention inside the message and from the Treasurer point of view it is not necessary need JMB approval because there is nothing official. It is just a discussion. It is out of a good intention. He has informed inside the group and he will consider it is valid that he had informed everyone. When the President jump out from the group he was thinking she don’t want to meet with Mr Govind as she has a huge dispute with him.
Mr Govind wants to sue her for defamation on what she wrote about him inside the Facebook posting and at the end the Treasurer was accused by the President of conducting this meeting is to pursue “Mr Lee own personal agenda”.
When the meeting was conducted, many of those who have attended the small meeting knew that what was going on. Mr Lee is not seeking any re-election.
Audited Account 2015
2) The President accusation statement:
(Things have escalated to the point where “Mr Lee and the Building Manager Quietly fired the auditor” we hired and hired someone else. Now the new auditor come up with crap audit report and unable to answer my question and to the point lightly blackmail to sign the report)
This kind of slander accusation will make the residents of Bayu Villa think that Mr Lee is hiding something from them. Here are some of the points.
On Audited Account 2015 matter, the Treasurer was instructed by the President inside the whatapps “JMB AJK” group to speeding up the accounts and get it audited. There was a huge misunderstanding going on between the person who do the accounts (Miss Kasturi) and the person who audited the accounts (Mr Patma). It was been delay due to the audited firm has keep on delaying and for not attending the meeting that was held.
Since the last monthly AJK committees meeting conducted on 5th October 2016, the President never calls any more monthly meeting. It is bound the duties of the President to call or to have a meeting even the AJK’s are not coming.
From this point, the President should find out what is going on, call for the meeting to find out but why the President has to throw the slander accusation and tarnish both of them so badly (Mr Lee and Mr Shashie). Why as a respected President don’t know how to deal with this issue. The President want the account to be ready, both of them will get it ready.
A big slander accusation “Quietly fired the auditor we hired and hired someone else”. This is the biggest accusation of the century. It is already been announced Mr. Lee fired the old audited firm and appointed a new one. What was the President thinking - QUIETLY FIRED!!! Preparing an audited account is not an easy way to handle. They involve many things.
Please refer to this link:
Changing of new audited firm was decided by Mr Lee after Mr Patma throw harsh word and slander accusation towards him. He decided to change and instruct Mr Shahsie to inform the President as well. Both of them went to COB Klang together to notify COB Klang accordingly but were told to write black and white letter of appointments for the new audited firm. Mr Shashie also did inform the President about the changing of new auditor. They also informed the authority about the changing but the President denies she was never been informed.
Please refer to this link: Notis Kepada COB Klang Mengenai Penukaran Firma Pengauditan
During that time it never come across Mr Lee's mind that this appointment of new Audited Account firm need to go through and get any approval from the JMB’ AJK as the intention and the main purpose is to get the audited accounts of 2015 ready on time because the President is keep on asking when the Audited Account will be ready, when the Audited Account will be ready?
Please refer to this link:Why The Old Audited Firm Been Removed?
As a Treasurer, Mr Lee admits his mistake for overlooking the accounts. He will take the full blame and full responsibility. No doubt Miss Kasturi had admitted her mistake in preparing late the account still the Treasurer taking the blame for not paying attention in preparing the audited accounts on time. From time to time he try his best updating the news inside the blog as well. He has been transparent all this while.
According to Mr Lee statement there is no hanky panky inside the account and even inside his resignation letter the Treasurer had mention he will take full responsibility of 2014, 2015 and 2016 final accounts.
3) The President statement:
But thanks to Mr Lee’s failure as the Treasurer to produce audited account, we are stuck
The Treasurer assumed the President knows and was notify. It was explained inside the blog. If there was a dispute in the first place why the President didn’t call them and ask what is going on and why letting both of them running around the whole audited things in the first place?
Mr Lee assumed everything is all right and was in order. If there is a delay why the President didn't offer her help to help them up. If the Treasurer fails in his duties the President should held responsible also because she is the President.
Please refer to this link:
Based on facebook posting, the President is also reading what is going on inside the “Bayu Villa Facebook”. The Treasurer always updated every activities and decision taken.
Did the President know how many times and effort they have spent to get this audited account ready? Appreciation never arrive but condemnation arrived. Why now in April 2017 the President want to dispute and argue why not informing her about the changes of auditors?
As a President, his/her job is to find out what is going on and not waiting people to inform him/her and if Mr Shashie is not doing his job right, inform him and guide him to the correct way. The Treasurer never interrupt any decision taken by the President during his 25 months cooperating with her.
3rd Annual General Meeting
On the day of AGM 20th November 2016, the President didn’t attend the meeting. None of the JMB’s AJK attended also. Mr Lee is the only person to conduct the meeting. Mr Lee also has no idea why all the AJK's are not attending the AGM. It was surprised for him too. The AGM date was set up by the President and she didn’t attend the most important meeting saying she has very important thing to attend and leaving Mr Lee with Mr Bernard Thong and Mr Shashie to handle.
Since the 20th November 2016 AGM when the President never show up, the Treasurer assume the President have lost her interest in it and even the “minutes meeting” of 2nd AGM (10th January 2016) as requested by the COB Klang and need to be presented inside the 3rd AGM (the agenda) was not produced.
When the President send a message that she is not coming, Mr Lee was panic when he found out that there was no "minutes meeting" reports stated inside the agenda. He straight away whatapps the “JMB AJK" group asking the President about the "minutes" and she reply “Not Prepared. No Time”
The 3rd AGM meeting (20th November 2016) was proposed and suggested by the President on 5th October 2016 (the Treasurer was away to oversea) and the agenda was suggested by the President but on the day of the meeting in the early morning the President inform us inside the whatapps “JMB AJK” group (9.55am) she will not be attending the AGM due to some work the President need to finish up before her meeting (it is related to her job).
If can’t attend it on that day and want it to be postpone please do inform early. At least the management can postpone the AGM to another date. Why must inform on the day itself? Where is the responsibility or the President has any ill intention purposely mention on SUNDAY she got things to do? It is a SUNDAY!!!
“Minutes Meeting” 2nd AGM 10th January 2016
For months Mr Shahsie has informed the President to get the “minutes meeting” ready because COB Klang has requested it for months. All the minutes meeting were jolt down by the President during the 2nd AGM. During the 3rd quarters of 2015 the Secretary has mention she is not interested anymore to be in the committee's member as she has found a good job in Kuala Lumpur and she can't commit her time for JMB Bayu Villa. The Secretary job was taken over by the President.
For 10 months since last 2nd AGM (10th January 2016 till 20th November 2016) the President just have to pen down few hundred words of “minutes meeting”. That also with 10 months of available time the President couldn’t get it done. What has happen?
After the 3rd AGM meeting being called off during half way on 20th November 2016, Mr Lee straight away whatapps “JMB AJK” group. None of them attended the meeting. From that day onwards it was his first time arguments with the President inside the whatapps "JMB AJK" group after working with each other for 25 months. It is an AGM and it is a very important one and Mr Lee is the only one who attends the AGM and counters all the bullets? Where is everyone when he needed their help the most? All the AJK's still living inside Bayu Villa. Why not ask them why they didn't attend on that day?
Read the statement again:
Langsung tak respect JMB. Kita dah agree dalam meeting semua hal kena update dalam “WhatsApps group JMB” tapi buat kerja belakang JMB. JMB no clue.
No one attended an important 3rd AGM meeting including the President. Who is not respecting the JMB??? Mr Lee is the only one? Why we having an AGM when all the AJK’s are not attending? No one interested to attend the AGM but the Treasurer has his duties to perform. He never blames any of his AJK’s and his President for not attending the AGM. He just needs some support and understanding.
Did anyone who attended the meeting know what is going on that day? It is havoc. It is out of control. There are no security guards. There is no COB Klang’s representative to oversee the tension and drama. Izit Mr Lee still not respecting this JMB Body? Maybe the President has already forgot what has happen in the past.
The entire message posted here already shows the President intention of giving up hope to manage Bayu Villa. After 3rd AGM there is no more meeting being conducted since 5th October 2016.
The Treasurer has mention he doesn’t have any ill feeling towards the President. It is just that sometimes some of the President policies he don’t really agree (just some but not all). It is normal to have different views but he still follow all her decision and instruction because the President have the right to do what she implemented but if the President need someone to inform her every time and every thing, the President should find out whether the instruction is carry out and not just giving instruction from tops and blaming the management for not running it nicely and when the resident is blaming the management for not doing a good job the President would say they didn't perform.
Be Practical not Theory. Go down to the earth and make things move. Don't sit in sky high building implementing things and giving instructions and ask people to do according to INSTRUCTION. It won't work. If not mistaken most of the readers who are reading this article do believe till today not many residents or shall we say 95 percent of the residents not even know who is their Bayu Villa’s President is? Izit correct to say that?
Many of us knew the President have to look after her rice bowl and Mr. Lee have a few companies to run. Both of them are very busy but they manage to handle many issues for the past 25 months. They work as a team. The Treasurer has never complained about his AJK’s, his committee's member. They are working also. They too have family to look after their rice bowl but Mr Lee do know if he was elected he just need to perform his duties whether he is busy or not.
Inside the "Facebook of Bayu Villa Apartment" a good President would never criticize their management but we had a President who likes to criticize their management in front of the resident. It is a shameful situation. As a President if they fail to perform we have to take the full responsibility. If there is a problem, find out the problem and get it done.
4) The President slander accusation statement:
I had hoped that shashie would learnt from this experience. Apparently not. Look like every time we have to turun padang. Indera Management is hopeless and don’t listen to instruction. I had specifically given instruction to Shashie.. today… looks like not followed la tu…I geting tired. Micromanaging people who claim to be very good building management management company…
Block E pipeline. Again was entrusted to Shashie. And again in competencies.
The Block E piping burst issue was the case. Instruction was given by the President to install the piping through the walk way in front of residents unit. The contractor suggested going through under the drain. It seems the President insisted and wants it to do according to her way and the contractor follow the President instruction.
Due to the carelessness of the contractor's workers they cut the beam in order to fulfill the piping flow of waters. It is a mistake done by the contractor as the contractor supervisor’s didn’t look into this matter seriously and didn’t ask any permission to cut the concrete beams.

The residents start to make noise and complaint about their works, many of them call Mr Lee asking why appointed this lousy contractor to do the job? The pipeline installation looks very ugly. Mr Lee told them it is a good contractor but he never involve in this decision making because the President has decided how the pipeline should be install.
Things already happen and the damage already been done. As a top management level (President) it is not about who is doing right or wrong or a mistake. Everyone will eventually make a wrong judgment and mistake including Mr Lee. Why the President accusing the Indera Management is hopeless and don’t listen to instruction and why Mr Shashie is the one who should take the blame for not looking into this issue seriously?
Was the President thinking that Mr Shashie is a former civil contractor? Why must the blame go to him and the company rather just admits “I have made the mistake and I will take the full responsibility of it and rectify it or just mention the contractors are making the mistake”. Mr Shashie and Indera Management got nothing to do with this issue. Instruction was given by the President and they are just following it up and supervised accordingly.
Now there is another question to be ask. Was the job of pipeline get any consent and meeting from the JMB AJK committees? Was the decision and how the installation pipeline will be was going through the whatapps group as the President said as it involves several thousand of ringgit? All the decision was taken by the President alone as there is a urgency to it. Mr Lee is supporting the decision. No need to inform but must take full responsibility when implementing it.
Read the statement again:
Langsung tak respect JMB. Kita dah agree dalam meeting semua hal kena update dalam “WhatsApps group JMB” tapi buat kerja belakang JMB. JMB no clue.
About Shashie
Mr Shashie start working as normal clerk in 2014. When he arrives during that time, Bayu Villa has more than One millions ringgit of DEBTS. Virtually it is a collapsing apartment and cannot be retrieving back. He was been elected to be the manager after the previous manager (Mr Roshan) was kick out by the President.
He is not a very good or clever manager but he is not the lousiest one at all. Mr Shashie has zero knowledge to run this place. The Treasurer personally trains him from time to time how to run this place. He is still fresh and raw. He is still young but definitely not old. Mr Lee never expect him to be the best because he know he is not the best but he is a good listener but willing to work together.
He might be a lousy manager because sometimes he didn’t entertain phone call during after office hours. It is understood as he needs his privacy time. Mr Lee never argued with him about that. He will take full responsibility for his dismiss. Mr Lee is the actual cause that he will be transfer out.
What we have today it is because the new committee members and the manager are working together as a team to rebuild the JMB Bayu Villa. Today the JMB are able to reduce the debts to around RM 300,000.00 and below. So let the results and performance and let the residents be the judges to judge Mr Lee and Mr Shashie performance.
In Mr Lee philosophy as a team management, he would never teach any of his members to go against their superior. Never! He always remind Mr Shashie to follow any instruction given by his superior as I had mention to him “For those who want to make a decision he/she should be held responsible to answer any question or any problems arise”.
Mr Lee always remind him that one day when you go against your superior decision, one day people below you would go against you as well. Mr Lee reminded Mr Shashie he should always remember that. From the first day till today whatever the President makes any decision Mr Lee will never go against her because that is her decision and he advise Mr Shashie to follow all her instruction.
Changing to New Security Company
Changing of security guards was the President decision as she has decided and has enough about it after so many complaint come into her. At first Mr Lee is against the decision to change because Mr Lee don't want to hire any more foreigners as foreigners cannot communicate well with resident. The President insists for a change and proposes it to the committees.
In order to have a good relation, a consensus is reach out as a team and Mr Lee agreed and vote for a change together with all the committees. After the changes had been taken place, Mr Lee has decided not to get involved in the security matters as this is her decision. She is the President.
Please refer to this link: Syarikat Pengawal Keselamatan Yang Baru Telah Dilantik. Pengambil-Alihan Pada 15hb Jun 2016.
Because it is not Mr Lee decision and he don’t want to be blame from all the accusation. Since the appointment of the new Security firm, Mr Lee never even approach them at all. The President know how to change but never want to know what went wrong. She always rely on the building manager to solve the problem. Collections drop because the security company was not though enough. Payment to TNB and Syabas stuck.
Previous securities guard was under the Treasurer supervision and indeed they have lots of problems but they able to overcome one by one. Till today many believe previous guards works much better than the current on-going one.
Did Mr Shashie do his job in handling security matters? Mr Lee say YES and NO. Mr Shashie is just a small chap who didn’t have any power or respect or reputation to stand firm against the Security Guard’s company. When there always matter arises, his voices are not loud enough to stand firm against the security company.
The President should stand firm and talk to them on how to improve because Security Guard’s company always respect the President not the Manager. Many complaint and several reminders given by the manager but because the security company is so lousy, they always keep on changing their guards and even hired outsiders’ people to work as guard with no permits.
When they cannot find or hired any guards they took back the previous guards that were previously working with JMB to work for them. That is why the molest case get into the picture. What a joker this Security company.
When the molesting case happened, the President was walking pass by. She did went into the office to check what was going on and later she mention leave the case with the Security Company and the Police to handle. She didn't even bother try to talk to the girl's father and show some concern by asking about the case.
In the end Mr Lee have to come out to represent the JMB Bayu Villa and apologize to the girl’s father (Mr Dominic) for such an incident and even he have to arrange a meeting between the owner's security company and Mr Dominic to solve out their dispute. Mr Dominic was so angry blaming the JMB Bayu Villa for hiring this kind of security and his daughter every night crying during sleeping for almost a month.
The Treasurer even talk to the Security’s owner (Dato’s) to meet up with Mr Dominic (Block E) which is in the first place the Dato's refuse to meet him because the Dato's mention it is a police case. Mr Lee emphasized to the Dato's, it is your company mistake engaging a guard without a permit and it is your responsibility to look into it. For almost 3 weeks since the incident happen, Mr Lee has been arranging this appointment to happen.
Where was the PRESIDENT??? Did the President know what is going on? Many of us do believe the residents also knew about this case. For this incident the Treasurer never bring out this issue at all.
5) The President slander accusation statement:
In May hopefully this can be implemented. Keeping my fingers crossed that there is no “Belakang” interception
The President is now looking forward to change a manager. No doubt the President have the rights to change based on his inability to serve JMB Bayu Villa but why must accuse Mr Lee (belakang interception)? Was the President saying Mr Lee is very Powerful?
Indera Management
An appreciation toward the management’s team who are doing their jobs and works for Bayu Villa’s apartments. This will be good enough to give moral and support for them to work even harder. Without them and without Indera Management, Bayu Villa won’t be standing up till today compare the year of 2014. No one is looking for a name or a token; they are just looking for an appreciation.
6) The President slander accusation statement:
I am merely explaning the frustation that things are put of control because Mr Lee and Indera has gone rogue.
Indera Management especially Mr Bernard Thong is helping Bayu Villa till today. Indera Management comes in when there was no other companies want to take over and manage this place. Till today the JMB Bayu Villa’s account was in order and as to his knowledge there was no issue with the management account. Any dispute inside the account, the Indera Management will be held responsible for any dispute and discrepancy by its staff.
Today the JMB Bayu Villa’s still owes Mr Bernard 8 months of outstanding management fees (August 2016 till March 2017) that is around RM 40,000.00 as his company giving JMB Bayu Villa ample time to clear the outstanding of TNB and Syabas issue. He never once chased them up to make up all the payments.
Even though today JMB Bayu Villa have dispute in their management; Mr Bernard Thong is working very hard to solve all the issue. Pity for him at his age of 73 years old he should staying at home and because of the Bayu Villa’s disputed problem he need to pump his heart beat and flow even harder to counter the problems.
Why need to blame that Mr Lee and Indera Management have gone rogue? What they did till today that has gone rogue.? Where are the President when the residents need her the most? If the manager did something wrong, speak to Mr Bernard Thong and ask for a change of a manager. If Mr Lee was wrong and rogue ask him to step down. Why must accuse Indera Management gone rogue?
Wani Bro Cleaning Services
It was brought to Mr Lee attention during a meeting held; the President did emphasized that the cleaning services company must be change. As to his knowledge he have no idea he did attend the meeting of terminating the cleaning company contract or services. Mr Lee has never been approach on this matter or he maybe forget and if there is one, he will never instruct his manager to keep them if the President is already given the green lights to terminate them.
But Mr Lee did conduct several meeting with Mr Wani to improve their works and duties and the Treasurer even extended his offer to let him run until a month or two if Mr Wani unable to perform and the management will took back the cleaning teams if he unable to run or perform accordingly. Inside the meeting Mr Lee and Mr Wani have reach to a point of understanding if there is more complaints coming in, the management will terminate his contract.
Based on the Treasurer statement, he still remembers several times to remind Mr Wani to contact the President on some issue but as usual the President seldom entertains or returns their call.
Treasurer Resignation
The resignation is a very hard decision for Mr Lee to decide but because the President has accused him of interrupting all her works and decision making, it is wise able for him to step down because he was the person call “Belakang Interception” but not the MO1.
His public relationship with his staff and several companies has caused them to lost their trust from the President. By resigning the post it would eventually easy for the President to make any decision which she thinks is the best for Bayu Villa.
This Post Mortem was prepared to highlight several slander accusation which is provided based on the facts as the President is continuing slandering the Treasurer inside the group's forum. It is merely to show what is really gone wrong. It is not an intention to hit anyone but to prove the real facts.
In 2014 we have advice Mr Lee that he would be back stab again during re-election but it didn't happen. It only happen in the year of April 2017 and it was from the same President's team again.
Lee Boon Hoe
No:5, Jalan Kilat,
Taman Palm Grove,
41200 Klang, Selangor. 10.04.2017
012-2159897 / 016-2159897
Cik: Sri Sharmini
(Pengerusi - Badan Pengurusan Bersama Bayu Villa)
Badan Pengurusan Bersama Bayu Villa.
D-G-21, Jalan Batu Unjur 9,
Taman Bayu Perdana,
41200 Klang, Selangor.
Per: Perletakkan Jawatan Sebagai Bendahari JMB Bayu Villa
Berhubung dengan perkara di atas, saya Lee Boon Hoe (680330105027) secara suka rela melepaskan jawatan saya sebagai Bendahari di JMB Bayu Villa. Walaupun perletakkan jawatan ini berkuatkuasa secara serta merta, saya masih mempunyai tanggungjawab dan akan bertanggung jawab terhadap segala butiran akaun untuk tahun kewangan berakhir 2014, 2015 dan juga 2016.
Perletakkan jawatan ini adalah kerana kegagalan saya dalam menjalankan tugas saya sebagai Bendahari Bayu Villa. Oleh yang sedemikian saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas segala bantuan yang telah diberi oleh rakan rakan JMB Bayu Villa selama ini.
Tanda tangan pengeluaran cek Bayu Villa masih dapat dilakukan mengunakan tanda tangan Pengerusi dan Setiausaha.
Sekian terima kasih.
Yang benar,
(Lee Boon Hoe)