Friday, October 10, 2014

Pemotongan Bekalan Air Akan Bermula Pada Bulan November 2014

Pada bulan November 2014, Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) Bayu Villa akan melaksanakan program pemotongan air ke atas unit yang mempunyai tunggakan wang penyelenggaraan (maintenance fees). 

Sehubungan dengan perlaksanaan ini, di harap semua penghuni yang mempunyai tunggakan wang penyelenggaran supaya menjelaskan tunggakan masing masing sebelum bekalan air mereka di tutup.

Kepada sesiapa yang mempunyai masalah menjelaskan tunggakan wang penyelenggaraan bolehlah berjumpa dengan Bendahari JMB Bayu Villa Encik Lee pada 19.10.2014 (Ahad) jam 9.00 pagi sehingga 12.00 tengahari untuk berbincang mengenai pelan ansuran yang sesuai.


  1. For one thing, would JMB care to send out invoices along with statements for all unpaid bills? I have not seen any invoices for water nor maintenance. Is it right to deny residents their bill when they can't make it to management office?

    Please note it is a residents rights to have a real invoice and / or statement posted to their mailbox with payment method.

    Not to cause any issues on below notes.

    And do take note of the legal rights of cutting of water as it is a basic necessity.

    Important : Only Syabas can cut water supply under Section 125 of the Water Services Industry Act 2006.

    Some links for opening up JMB and residents to their rights.

    Those that feel they want to file a complaint can do so to COB as official letters as by right official request for payment will need to be handed out to the unit owner before any legal action to be taken.

    Loopholes : Reduce water pressure to unit but will affect whole block.

    Right or wrong all residents should decide for them self if they want to be in a democratic or dictatorship life.

    Thank you for reading my shit.

  2. Good move. Share mode of payment as well other than walking into the office

  3. Good payer will always keep their invoice and statements, will not ask again for unpaid bills. The laziest one will throw and ask again. I think BVA HMT requesting again. Hope u won't eat yr own shit!!!!!

    1. Have you and anyone receive their invoice and statement for the past 6 months in your mailbox or your front door? (Put your hand to your heart and say the truth).

      I kept my invoices, statements, receipt, letters to apply strata and others from since I got my keys from (shit) KLS.

      Thank you again as you may need to wash your eyes with eye-mo.

    2. JMB can save cost if they know how to use A5 (fold A4 paper into half and cut) size paper to print out the invoices & receipt.

    3. I support new JMB, they knew wat they doing.....hope u stop advising shit here. Come upfront to help new JMB ....don't just shit at the blog.....I'm just an ordinary resident.....hope all residents knew how to use their brains but not yours..

    4. May peace be upon your soul for such thinking.

  4. Jangan layan orang yg tak minat bayar hutang, potong water meter saje..

  5. Good day everyone. Let me emphaszie about the statement.

    At this moment we are upgrading our system to CSS system where by this system is being used by almost 300 vendors around Malaysia including shopping big shopping mall and 5 star condominium.

    This system would be paperless. All you have to do is key in your user id and password then you can check your outstanding. Should be ready in the month of November.

    Statement and water bill are still in the proses of upgrading but we cannot wait because the longer we wait, the suffer we will be. TNB and Syabas commitment need to be fullfill.

    Do hope you all will understand. The reason we cannot issue any statement it is because the previous management has done something to the system, so there are many things that we want to trace but unable to. So we have decided to upgrade the system.

    Thank you

    1. Good to hear on the upgrade plans. Is there any bank account to make payment?

    2. Bank : Hong Leong Bank
      Bank Account Name : JMB BAYU VILLA
      Bank Account # : 32700020333

  6. Jom sokong, asalkan BV kembali baik semula ....

  7. For those who want to know more about the system we use please visit :

    1. Good to know of your action to replace that system.

      Mine to give us the amount needed to pay for using such online solution for about 760 units? Per month, quaterly, half-yearly or yearly fees? Which module our place are going to have (all or partial)? Who is the subscriber (managing agent or JMB)?

      Thank you.

  8. JMB tak ada hak mengunci air rumah, ia adalah satu kesalahan jenayah, saya dah dapat nasihat dari 3 orang peguam, mereka kata JMB memang tak berhak mengunci air. Tuan rumah boleh buat report polis dan saman JMB. Sebenarnya JMB sendiri pun faham tindakan sebegini adalah salah dari segi undang2.. tapi JMB masih degil nak buat demikian, JMB ingat penduduk2 di BV adalah bodoh dan boleh buat sesuka hati mereka.. Memang betul apa yang dinyatakan oleh bva hmt diatas,

    Mari kita boikot JMB beramai-ramai...

    1. Boikot. Nak binasakan tempat org inilah x tak bayar maintenance....takut pecah rahsia..bikin malu

  9. sokong kunci air, dia tak mau bayar, tak payah main gentleman, biar dia saman,
    dia orang ingat boleh main mainkan undang undang untuk kepentingan sendiri,
    tak mau bayar, air kena kunci, masih muka tembok mau saman orang,
    tu dia orang hutang banyak banyak sampai air dan letrik kat bayu villa kena potong, susah kita orang cari air, sakit pinggan angkut air dari tempat lain, sakit kaki panjat tangga sebab lift rosak, kes kes majam boleh tak saya saman orang yang tak bayar tu sebab kau orang lah susah semua kat bayu villa ni.

  10. sekarang masalah utama adalah maintenance fee yg x bayar bkn x bayar kalau air bayar still kena kunci juga ke??adil ke cmtu??

  11. tak bayar maintenance jadi bayu villa tak dapat bayar TNB, tak dapat bayar security, tak dapat repair lift, susah semua orang, adil ke cmtu??

    1. so whats the point u kunci orang punya air????Bkn dia x bayar air

    2. tak payah cakap banyak dengan orang macam ni.. kalau JMB berani kunci air.. u boleh buat report polis dan pecahkan mangga yang kunci meter air.. meter air tu adalah harta benda tuan rumah.. adakah kamu nak biarkan orang lain datang kenci harta benda anda... nanti kita kumpul orang ramai kasi tukar perempuan gemuk yang tak berguna tu...

    3. Benggong, air itu bukan naik sendiri, ia menggunakan pam....kalau tak payah hutang, siapa yg nak bayar jikalau pam perlu di baiki...Ada fikir ke????? Ada orang boleh repair dengan sukarela?

  12. Sebenarnya kita semua cuma hendak settlekan semua masalah di Bayu Villa. Kalau kita tak berkerjasama, sampai bila bila pun masalah ini tak dapat disettlekan. Hutang duit maintenance macam mana pun kena bayar juga lambat laun. Kalau tak ada hutang, tak yah la takut kena kunci pam air. Siapa yang termakan cili, dia yang terasa pedas.

  13. ya saya bersetuju salah saorang resident katanya JMB pastikan semua penduduk bv bayar maintenance fees ,
    barulah JMB boleh selesaikan semua masaalah seperti hutang syabar , TNB , security , lift , cleaner , dan pali
    penting sekali JMB ada wang untuk mengambil tidakan legal case kepada management lama untuk claim back
    duit untuk JMB bayar ke semua hutang , yang balance duit simpan untuk mengadakan aktivi kepada semua kaum penduduk BV seperti Tahun China Baru , Hari Raya Puasa , Deepavali , Hari Kebangsaan , Hari buruh , dan lain2. supaya semua penduduk boleh berkumpul sekali dan berkenakan semua penduduk di BV , ini adalah saya punya chadangan , tak tahu kamu semua ada setujuk ka ?
