Thursday, November 27, 2014

Proses Pembayaran Tunggakan Syarikat Pembersihan Bermula. Tunggakan RM 32,520.00

Proses pembayaran tunggakan kepada syarikat TS Sun Shine Cleaning Service telah bermula dengan setiap pembayaran ansuran sebanyak RM 2,000.00 sebulan. Untuk proses permulaan pembayaran permulaan adalah sebanyak RM 4,520.00 di tolak dengan tunggakan RM 32,520.00, jadi jumlah tunggakan adalah sebanyak RM 28,000.00 di bahagi kepada 14 bulan untuk menyelesaikannya.

Sehubungan dengan itu segala tunggakan yang ada telah dibawa ke meja perbincangan untuk berbincang serta menyelesaikan segala tunggakan yang ada.

Komitmen Bayu Villa Setiap Bulan Ke Atas Tunggakan

1) Syabas - RM 10,000.00
2) Reeliance Security Services Sdn. Bhd - RM 5,000.00
3) TS Sun Shine Cleaning Service - RM 2,000.00
4) Shinyou Elevator Mfg. Sdn Bhd - RM 2,000.00
5) Tenaga Nasional Berhad - Dalam Perbincangan (mungkin RM 10,000.00)

Anggaran RM 30,000.00 Sebulan

Komitmen Anggaran Bayu Villa Setiap Bulan Ke Atas Pembayaran Perkhidmatan

1) Pengawal Keselamatan - RM 10,000.00
2) Syarikat Perkhidmatan Penyelenggaraan - RM 14,000.00
3) Syarikat Perkhidmatan Pembersihan - RM 7,200.00
4) Syarikat Perkhidmatan Penyelenggaraan Lif - RM 2,400.00
5) Tenaga Nasional Berhad - RM 10,000.00
6) Syabas - RM 25,000.00
7) Wony Sdn Bhd - RM 2,182.50
8) Lain lain - RM 15,000.00 (Kerosakan pam, paip pecah, penyelenggaraan lif - spare parts, talipon dan sebagainya) 

Anggaran RM 85,782.50 Sebulan

Jika bayaran diterima penuh (Anggaran Sebulan)

Penerimaan 760 unit X RM 100.00 = RM 76,000.00
Penerimaan Wang Air = RM 20,000.00 

Bolehkah Bayu Villa mengharungi rintangan serta perjalanan yang berliku ini?


  1. JMB, the outstanding installments are due to the non-collections of outstanding. Please continuously go after those owed JMB their maintenance fees and water bills. Then only the Accounts will be balance. Based on record, you should have enough to cover monthly expenses.

  2. I see JMB is trying to repay 100% of the outstanding to the suppliers. As this is previous management problems, and with JMB running tight, you may want to negotiate "hair cut". Either they accept and provide discounts, otherwise just continue to hold. It doesn't make sense that you are posting negativity like "Bolehkah Bayu Villa mengharungi rintangan serta perjalanan yang berliku ini?" but being nice to the supplier. I hope JMB is not trying to push for increase in monthly maintenance fee.

  3. 2) Syarikat Perkhidmatan Penyelenggaraan - RM 14,000.00

    What is the above? Which maintenance and for which company? Lift is there already, pump is in the 8th. Don't tell us is the pool maintenance which is not working at all?

    Please be precise on your monthly accounting expenses and don't just put with no details.

    1. Yes, what is it??

    2. Indera Management Services (KL) Sdn Bhd. The company that run the management office where by they provided the workers to run the Bayu Villa office under JMB Bayu Villa observation. Their service including handling all issue pertaining the lif, water pump, cleaners, preparing account and what ever things that are necessary.

    3. RM14,000 for how many workers?
      All gaji RM2,000 per month?

  4. Memang betul Mr. Roshan yang dijemput oleh JMB adalah konco-konco Bernard Thong.. Bernard Thong dah tak boleh tunjuk muka dia di sini, so dia hantar kroni dia datang untuk sapu duit BV. PADAN MUKA PADA ORANG-ORANG YANG BEGITU SUPPORT JMB SELAMA INI !!! Duit yang kamu bayar tu akan di sapu lagi oleh si Bernard Thong.

    1. Just show proof if you want accuse the current JMB on anything... I see that the JMB resolved some of the issues, and I trust them now! It is better than people like yourself who are just trying to deny without finding facts. If without them, we are already without water, and probably electricity! Please try to be supportive and make Bayu Villa a better place for all the residents! Stop the childish act by accusing without proof. Now at least the JMB is collecting outstanding amounts from the bad apples in Bayu Villa which is unbelievable.
