Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kisah Sebenar Kenapa Hutang Kepada Syabas Mencapai RM 392,216.58

Petang semalam Bendahari JMB Bayu Villa Encik Lee telah pergi berjumpa dengan seorang pegawai Syabas dan bertanyakan status sebenar apakah yang sebenarnya yang berlaku di dalam tunggakan air Bayu Villa? Beliau juga meminta pihak Syabas supaya memberi salinan penyata kewangan bulanan jumlah tunggakan air yang dikenakan setiap bulan. 

Permintaan penyata tersebut ialah untuk memudahkan Bendahari membuat penilaian bagaimana hendak merancang serta membuat pelan pembayaran ansuran yang di minta oleh pihak Syabas dan kenapa tunggakan air boleh mencapai ke satu tahap yang amat mustahil dan begitu tinggi sekali. 

Pegawai Eksekutif yang bertugas Cik Nor Azimi Binti Ab Manaf menerangkan kepada Encik Lee akan janji janji pihak pengurusan yang lepas serta perkara yang berlaku dari masa ke semasa dan kenapa pihak Syabas boleh mempunyai tunggakan yang begitu tinggi.

Setelah selesai perbincangan dengan pegawai yang bertugas dan hasil siasatan yang terperinci yang dilakukan oleh Encik Lee selaku Bendahari Bayu Villa. Kesimpulannya tertera di bawah selepas di analisa oleh Encik Lee yang membuat rumusan apakah yang sebenarnya berlaku selama ini.


1) Semasa pengurusan lama di bawah jagaan syarikat pengurusan Bayu Villa Management Corporation Sdn Bhd dan Indera Management Sdn Bhd, hutang Bayu Villa kepada pihak Syabas sehingga 31.07.2013 adalah berjumlah RM 115,529.95 (mengikut rekod penyata Syabas)

2) Pada pertengahan bulan Julai 2013 juga terdapat sekumpulan penduduk menghantar notis kepada semua penduduk dan penghuni di dalam Bayu Villa supaya berhenti membayar wang penyelenggaran dan bil air kerana pihak pengurusan yang ada sekarang telah menyelewengkan wang penyelenggaraan penduduk.

3) Disebabkan pihak pengurusan tidak berupaya mengutip wang penyelenggaraan, pembayaran tidak dapat dilakukan. Tunggakan bil air bertambah dari sebulan ke sebulan mulai bulan Ogos 2013.

a) Tunggakan sehingga hujung Julai (30.07.2013 - RM 115,529.95)
b) Tunggakan bil - 13.08.2013 - RM 27,631.74
c) Tunggakan bil - 10.09.2013 - RM 23,059.80
d) Tunggakan bil - 09.10.2013 - RM 24,405.30
e) Tunggakan bil - 12.11.2013 - RM 29,331.90

Hutang tunggakan air melambung dari jumlah asal RM 115,529.95 + (4 tunggakan) RM 100,428.74 = RM 219,958.69

4) Bulan November - Pada waktu yang sama Mesyuarat Agung Pertama diadakan dan tertubuhnya Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) Bayu Villa pada 28.11.2013 setelah berjaya menghalau keluar pihak pengurusan lama.

5) Bulan Disember - Pihak Syabas memberi notis akan memotong bekalan air. Pihak pengurusan JMB menyeru agar penduduk keluar dan membantu membayar wang penyelenggaraan. 

Di dalam notis yang di hantar kepada semua penduduk, pihak pengurusan JMB juga ada membuat lapuran polis mengatakan pihak pengurusan lama (Bayu Villa Management Corporation Sdn Bhd) tidak membayar tunggakan kepada Syabas dan TNB.  

f) Tunggakan bil - 09.12.2013 - RM 23,338.56

6) Pihak Syabas telah berkali kali memberi notis tetapi tidak diendahkan oleh pihak pengurusan JMB. Pihak pengurusan JMB mengatakan bil air yang lama harus di tanggung oleh pihak pengurusan lama (Encik Bernard Thong). 

Penduduk dan penghuni mulai keluar beramai ramai membayar berdasarkan kepada notis yang di terima bagi membantu menyelesaikan tunggakan Syabas. 

g) Tunggakan bil - 09.01.2014 - RM 25,048.38

7) Bulan Februari 2014 - Pihak Syabas datang memotong bekalan air pada 05.02.2014 dengan tunggakan bil terbaru sebanyak RM 21,787.44 + RM 150.00 (bayaran pemotongan)

h) Tunggakan bil - 05.02.2014 - RM 21,787.44 (semasa pemotongan)

Hutang tunggakan air melambung dari jumlah asal RM 219,958.69 + (3 tunggakan) RM 70,324.38 = RM 290,283.07

Pihak pengurusan JMB memotong dan membuka bekalan air tanpa izin daripada Syabas dan segera berjumpa dengan pihak Syabas.

8) Hasil perbincangan pihak Syabas dengan pihak pengurusan JMB Bayu Villa, pengunaan air dipersetujui dengan syarat. Bayaran pendahuluan sebanyak RM 20,000.00 dan tunggakan selebihnya RM 270,283.07 akan di bayar melalui bayaran ansuran sebanyak 27 kali (RM 10,000.00) dengan syarat harus diselesaikan bersama sama dengan bil semasa.

Bayaran pendahuluan sebanyak dua kali dilakukan pada (07.02.2014) - RM 10,000.00 dan (12.02.2014) - RM 10,000.00  

9) Pada waktu yang sama dipercayai Badan Pengurusan Bersama JMB Bayu Villa telah berupaya mengutip wang penyelenggaraan dalam sekitar RM 250,000.00.

i) Tunggakan bil - 12.03.2014 - RM 29,509.92
j) Tunggakan bil - 10.04.2014 - RM 24,766.86

Pada penghujung bulan April dianggarkan wang penyelenggaraan yang berjaya di kutip dalam sekitar RM 350,000.00

10) Bulan April 2014 - Bendahari serta Pengerusi JMB Bayu Villa meletakan jawatan. Akuan bank tidak dapat digunakan semenjak peletakan jawatan mereka sehingga hari ini.

k)  Tunggakan bil - 14.05.2014 - RM 29,819.04
l )  Tunggakan bil - 12.06.2014 - RM 25,102.20
m) Tunggakan bil - 16.06.2014 - RM   3,267.84

Walaupun perjanjian dan persetujuan telah di beri oleh Pengerusi Bayu Villa kepada pihak Syabas untuk membayar bil semasa namun ianya tidak dapat ditunaikan. Hutang tunggakan air naik kepada RM 112,465.86 (5 tunggakan). 

Pihak Syabas telah memberi peluang kepada Badan Pengurusan JMB dengan menyediakan bayaran ansuran untuk tunggakan lama sebanyak RM 270,283.07 yang di bayar secara ansuran sebanyak 27 kali namun bil semasa langsung tidak di BAYAR SESEN pun! 

11) Bulan Jun 2014 - Setiausaha Badan Pengurusan Bersama JMB Bayu Villa membuat lapuran polis mewakili penduduk Bayu Villa bahawa penduduk di Bayu Villa tidak mahu bertanggung jawab terhadap segala hutang daripada pihak pengurusan lama.

12) Bulan Julai 2014 - Pihak Syabas datang memotong air lagi. Waktu pemotongan air dijalankan ianya berlaku pada bulan Puasa. Selepas pihak Syabas memotong bekalan air, kontraktor Syabas dikunci dari dalam. 

Keadaan menjadi kucar kacir dengan kehadiran beberapa anggota Polis mengawal keamanan.

Pengurus Bangunan Bayu Villa pada masa itu Encik Azman Abdul Aziz berbincang dengan pegawai Syabas dan berjanji akan memberi surat akur janji membuat bayaran. Pihak Syabas bersetuju dan menyambung balik semula paip air.

Pada 03.07.2014, surat "Akur Janji" untuk membayar dua bulan tunggakan sebanyak RM 54,276.78 bermula 18.08.2014 di terima oleh pihak Syabas. 

13) Bulan Julai 2014 - Mesyuarat Agung Luarbiasa (EGM) yang pertama diadakan pada 06.07.2014. "Sijil Perakuan" Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) tidak dapat dikeluarkan kerana terdapat masalah di antara ahli jawatankuasa yang di pilih.

Oleh kerana tiada "Sijil Perakuan" dapat dikeluarkan, pengunaan akaun bank masih dibekukan. Surat "Akur Janji" kepada Syabas tidak dapat dilaksanakan. 

Keadaan menjadi lebih buruk apabila ramai penghuni mulai tidak mahu membayar wang penyelenggaraan selepas pemilihan Mesyuarat Agung Luarbiasa dan juga terdapat perbalahan yang berlaku di antara pengurusan lama JMB dengan ahli jawatankuasa baru yang di pilih. 

o) Tunggakan bil - 13.08.2014 - RM 48,338.64 (2 bulan)

14) Bulan September 2014. Pihak Syabas menghantar notis akan memotong air. Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) Bayu Villa (15.09.2014) membuat bayaran sebanyak RM 500.00 kepada Syabas dan masih tidak mempunyai akses ke atas akaun bank. 

p) Tunggakan bil - 11.09.2014 - RM 23,192.33

Hutang tunggakan air naik daripada jumlah asal RM 112,456.86 + RM 71,530.97 = RM 183,987.83 (7 tunggakan). 

15) Mesyuarat Agung Luarbiasa Kedua diadakan pada 21.09.2014 dan pelantikan ahli jawatankuasa berjaya dilaksanakan. 

16) Pihak Syabas datang memotong bekalan air pada 22.09.2014 jam 12.30 tengah hari.

q) Tunggakan bil - 22.09.2014 - RM 8,586.68 (di hari pemotongan)

Hutang tunggakan air naik kepada RM 192,074.51 (8 tunggakan). Program tunggakan bayaran ansuran (potongan setiap bulan) masih berhutang dalam sekitar RM 200,000.00

Sehingga pengiraan terakhir termasuk kos pemotongan, tunggakan air Bayu Villa kepada pihak Syabas sehingga 22.09.2014 ialah sebanyak ;-

RM 392,216.58 


  1. faham tentang tunggakan tapi ramai masih takut kalu bayar pun masalah xkan selesai..nak cari org yg telus ni susah..bkn nk kat la skrg punya management pun pilih bulu jugak..org2 korg langsung x kena apa2 kalau park keta sesuka hati..tapi org lain siap clamp2 bagai...sebab dulu bg notis x payah bayar la org semua x bayar..skrg nk setel semua sekaligus mmg susah sebab ramai yg dh sangkut bannyak bulan...bkn semua org bduit mcm korg siap bleh kluar 20K on the spot...fikir2kan la..bukan penduduk yg mulakan semua hutang ni

    1. Penduduk yg mulakan hutang, sebab dengar Cakap SI BODOH...SI BODOH memperbodohkan penduduk.....tau tak anda sekalian....skrg siapa yg susah..SI bodoh ke atau penduduk

  2. clear and understood , the fact now is get to the ground in solving this immediate agony .

    Hope all posters who are here to point fingers or instigate complications on the New Jmb status bug out.

    You guys can fight once we had our water /electricity/ quit rent solved. Telling the New JMB to step down is only prolonging the freeze period on the bank acct. please behave for I see majorities of BV residents are matured enough to figured what are suppose to do in the first place. Let the residents decide themselves.

  3. SIAPA itu Azman b Abdul Aziz?

    SIAPA melantik dia sebg Pengurus Bangunan ?


    Ingat penduduk BV nie tidurr ke ?

    1. one of the biggest crony...makan gaji buta

    2. SI BODOH yg satu lagi....tidak tahu hormat manusia...pergilah ke hutan...duduk atas Pokok

  4. point pentng, SIAPA bg hak dan melantik dia, org tu jugak yg biarkan dia mkn gaji buta...pengurusan bagn nie Master atau PHd ?

  5. sudah ada air ke belum??

  6. ramai yg masih takut nak bayar sebab xde jaminan masalah boleh selesai..takiut parah ade lagi of the reason is the resident are lost trust to whatever managements...

    1. This is when the management doesn't want to go transparent and be accounted for their action. They keep on harping on this and that to divert from the real issues which I have highlighted in their bottom blog post link below.

      One more thing everyone should know, Hong Leong Bank will send out bank statement every month to give a precise account on the amount remaining in the bank. Will they show us all amount / transaction in and out? The answer will forever be a big NO as they are hiding things that we should not know.

      Is there any Internal Document Act for housing that block access for residents to view all documents whether payslip or payment advice?

      The JMB / PRO-Team dare not to answer all my questions as they're hiding plenty of things. Those that stayed here since (shit) KLS handing out the keys will know how MIS-MANAGED & secretive Bernard and Friends did.

    2. agreed..that why people still scared to pay the fee as thing like this sure will rise again and again..

    3. If u don't hv trust on anyone, pls get OUT from this place...don't irratate

    4. Trust need to be earned not given.

      Can you simply give RM1,000.00 to a stranger with no knowledge on his capabilities nor personality or worst knows his bad intentions? Do you trust some stranger to drive with your car? Do you trust some stranger with your young son or daughter?? Do you trust some stranger to look after your house inside? A big NO right???

      Then why put those harsh words? It's like point 1 finger to other yet 3 more of your own finger are point back at yourself. Kinda funny with your statement.

    5. can get out..but pls make full settlement for my bank loan for buying this house...if not saddap...penjilat is still penjilat whatever occasion is

  7. mr lee..we all know that your mr bernard crony..why cant you people chase after him thn chasing after the much more you want us to you think the place has been kept very well..why sharmini has to wait for mr lee to come in the picture then only things are running.if they are not capable then why still wanna be in the position..its not about helping its about killing the residents and draining all the money out..i saw mr bernard coming to office many times and also his staff was there presents in the office room..asked them who are they( a lady and a indian man)they mentioned bernards workers..they were downloading all the files from the computer....WHAT ARE THEY UP TO??????does anyone knows about this??/why during the BLOCK E water problem he can sent his contractors according to the ajk's and now when there is no water he is totally missing...WHY??WHY???ALL HIS DEBTS KEPT???????dont think residents dont know whats happening in the office..where is the indian maintenance guy who use to work...he is pretty good in his work..DID YOU'LL TAKE HIM OFF..I SAW HIM EVEN DOING PATROLLING AT NIGHT TO SAFE GUARDS THE the new jmb so bias or just pretending to be blind..

    1. What's wrong with u ppl, keep on blaming everyone...if u are so capable to handle such situation...common be MAN to help not be PONDAN...talking here...BLACK INDIAN done a good job sabotage the lif, pam, etc....PLS KEEP YR. EYES. OPEN....poor thing u hv eyes but still blind...ha..ha...

    2. Don't be racist here...talking abt black Indian sabotaj..wat abt mr Bernard..if ur a resident u will feel the pinch..

  8. who are you, how come you can see bernard going into the office room and downloading files? are you inside there too? who is that indian maintenance guy? tall or short? I too heard the tall one has multi mouth and cannot be trusted at all.. the short one is good it seems. many do patrolling at night and what is he up to, patrolling or sabotaging

  9. for your info...get out from your house and see whats happening..dont just act by hear you actually pay maintenance fees and water bills in the management officve to know whats happening in the office..its so obvious that bernard has many times came into the office..many residents have seen it themselve..probably you have not around if your not around sure the grill window is not to small..everything inside can be seen so obviously from outside when paying our maintenance what more..u dont have to be in the office,,as long you re in the office lobby you can see whats happening in the office...

  10. today got water not???

  11. so far no news..they still talking to syabas from morning...dont know whats going on...

  12. boleh tak jmb dapat kan lori air dari syabas...only few hundreds for the sewa..apa masalah jmb ini...

  13. Got call Mr. Gora, he say will have later.

  14. water reconnected or syabas tank?

  15. so skrg water reconnected or not?

  16. Yes, water reconnected... now bayu villa have water

  17. Bernard is the best.. bernard is the best... he was here .. he was here..
    helping people to carry water.
    me lee was the only one was here running up and down.

    1. So funny this a joke....

    2. If don't mind and willing a residential i do hope that can have another opposition party help to keep on eye to New JMB Management Account

    3. obviously the comment is posted to hurt mr bernard and mr lee..

    4. Just wandering, why bernard never pay RM 115,529.
      Just a question , not to offend anyone .
      Why Mr lee during that time as a president never take action. We all know he was the president and Gowrie was the secretary. again , pls dont get me wrong , just want to know.

      Another question ,not to offend.

    5. I too wander, Bernard time not paying
      old JmB time also not paying

      all this will gotto reveal one day, let our current issues be settle, then we go for all those questions?

  18. Correct,

    Need to answer this,

    Bernard was the management, Me Lee was the president and Gowrie was the Secretary. I attended the meeting few times.. never given a chance to view opinion...

    Looks like , debt was created at that time and ,new JMB came in ... couldnt perform from November, but the people who created this whole mess is now the SAINT..... coming back as a savior to the mess Bernard ( himself) and Gowrie created from 2007 till 2013 and continued by JMB.

    Realy can make a good telemovie...

    Need to think about this.....

    Anyway, water is back... moving forward .. cleanliness and Security.

  19. Let me explain.

    I was been appointed as President in the year of 2010. I have been appointed after one of the President that has been elected just stand for one month and resign. During that time our JMB is not certify because we have some issue that previous management didn't submit or register their documents accordingly.

    No doubt we are not certified but we still handle every matters and every happening inside Bayu Villa. At that time we didn't control the account because all the money received was handle by the management company as we JMB was not certify so we can't have any Bank Account.

    Short cut - no certificate no bank account. During that time also I didn't chase the management to speed up the things for the process of certification because I know the condition of the account. I did have a look and check the outstanding when I was been appointed but the account was so bad with outstanding nearly 800,000 from residents. They did brief me on Syabas and TNB issue also.

    Several of our members inside the committee urging me to take over the management account but I didn't do it because I knew the account was been handle so bad.

    At the same time, myself with the committee trying to work together whether can bring this place up but because of the people working inside are not good enough. The problem with Mr. Bernard Thong is, he always listen to her staff giving many thousands of reason. When there were not enough funds, they will call Mr Bernard to pump in the money.

    But we all should understand how the management works. When we run a company, certain things and issue arise is beyond our control. Sometimes we never expecting this and that (lift breakdown, pump spoil, security issue, residents don't want to pay, leaking & many more). All kind of things happen and we need money to solve the matters.

    Inside the Act 663, it did mention that if the JMB took over all the account. The President, Secretary and Treasurer with its committee members would be held liable on the account. Any miss managing the account will land all the committee members into the prison and because I knew the account was so bad, so I have decided not to take over the account. I'm just doing this work voluntarily and why must I land my entire committee member into the prison from the mess that have been created long time ago before we are been appointed.

    Frankly during that time I was not experience enough to handle the Building management. I face lots of problem but during the process i have gain lots of information and experience. If I still want to continue and explain, the story would be very long.

    Feel free to look for me if you have any more questions in mind

    1. No point talking about previous issues here Most of us who stayed here since (shit) KLS gave out keys will know what you, your team and Bernards & Friends did. If want to apologies, most will not accept with open arms. Even if you did not take on the certification, we as residents can still find a way to make a lawsuit out of it (hiding information from other residents, etc).

      What you did with the advance payment thing is a sign you're willing to help (in certain ways). Kudos.

      But what we want to know is be open about everything, from debts (Syabas, TNB, Insurances, MPK, securities companies, cleaners, etc) to payment received (from residents or rental of car park - ahem, advertisement, fines, etc). Solve our current issues with a plan. A plan that is capable to bring about our financial status with clear explanations and nothing short on it.

      I believe you have read most of my post / suggestions / comments and you as a treasurer for our management, can do better (supposely) than me. And then you have so many heads in the JMB + PRO-Team but can't plan out a strategy to deal with our issues.

      I have other suggestions that can be good or bad to JMB / PRO-Team but will not mention it out to give you all time to come out clean.

      Thank you for reading my poop.

    2. I like your suggestions and comments , nonetheless, I disagree with certain points.

      continue , I'd like to read now and then.

    3. Disagreement is bound to happen but trying is better than nothing. I'm not perfect but I try my best to suggest / comments / post.

      Now, which points do you disagree upon and let see if you or others that can fine tune it or even discard it totally with valid explanation. Remember, accepting praises comes also with insults. I accepted insults, do others accept it?

    4. preferably, get u at
