Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pelan Pembayaran Bil Air Kepada Syabas.

Tengah hari tadi Bendahari Bayu Villa Encik Lee menghantar Pelan Pembayaran Bil Air kepada pihak Syabas sebagai syarat dan komitmen bahawa segala perbincangan dan persetujuan haruslah dikemukan dalam bentuk hitam putih.

Seperti yang sedia maklum, jika terdapat sekali lagi kegagalan membuat bayaran mengikut masa dan waktu yang ditetapkan di dalam bil semasa, pihak Syabas tidak akan lagi bertolak ansur dan memberi peluang kepada Bayu Villa Apartment melainkan menjelaskan tunggakan sepenuhnya.


  1. One down, many others to go. Good job on this to those that made it (whoever they are) happened.

    Mr Lee, please give your suggestions on how to deal with TNB, MPK, Insurance, securities companies, cleaners companies, EPF, Socso and others ASAP before they come knocking on our doorstep.

    Thank you.

    1. Will do after Mr Lee back from overseas. Just keep on updated yourself on this blog.

  2. Thank you, Mr. Lee for the initiative step with others assistance.

  3. Thank You Lee .

    security and Cleaners should be the priority

  4. We have water today is because of the selfless acts of Mr. Lee and residents who came up front and paid. Thank you for your effort and support.
