Monday, October 13, 2014

Isu Penutupan Air Ke Atas Individu Yang Mempunyai Tunggakan

Salam Sejahtera,

Kepada Penduduk Dan Penghuni Yang Budiman.

Seperti yang anda sedia maklum, kami di JMB Bayu Villa terpaksa menjalankan kewajipan yang telah diamanahkan oleh penghuni serta penduduk yang telah keluar mengundi dan memberi kepercayaan kepada kami pada 21hb September 2014. Tidak terlupa juga kepada penghuni serta penduduk yang keluar membantu Bayu Villa semasa krisis pemotongan air.  

Kami sememangnya tidak mempunyai niat untuk menjalankan sebarang aktiviti pemotongan bekalan air tetapi kami mempunyai satu misi dan tanggungjawab yang amat berat yang harus dipikul bersama oleh JMC Bayu Villa.

Bah kata pepatah :

Berat Mata Memandang, Berat Lagi Bahu Memikulnya 

Bayu Villa sekarang berada di ambang situasi dan krisis yang amat memerlukan perhatian semua pihak. Terdapat banyak komitmen yang harus dilalui oleh JMB Bayu Villa. 

Oleh itu setelah di buat kajian serta di analisa dengan teliti, Ahli Jawatankuasa Bersama (JMC) Bayu Villa telah membuat keputusan bahawa pemotongan bekalan air untuk mendapatkan tunggakan wang penyelenggaran terpaksa dijalankan.

Persoalannya sekarang?
Bolehkah pihak pengurusan memotong bekalan air? Isu ini sedang hangat diperbincangkan. Ada di antara pakcik dan makcik yang keluar pada waktu petang sedang hangat memperbincangkan isu pemotongan air.

Bukan begitu sahaja, sehinggakan Persatuan Penduduk Bayu Villa Apartment menulis sepucuk surat kepada Pengerusi bertanyakan status keadaan yang sebenar.

Ramai di antara mereka masih enggan menerima hakikat bahawa pemotongan bekalan air tidak sepatutnya diimplementasikan. Di sini ada beberapa perkara yang harus diteliti dan diberi pertimbangan yang sewajarnya.

10 Sebab Yang Berhubung Kait Dengan Air.

Punca Air :

1) Bekalan air yang disalurkan oleh pihak Syabas ke dalam Bayu Villa tidak sampai terus ke setiap rumah individu. Ianya harus melalui proses penyimpanan kolam air yang besar di dalam bilik pengepam air sebelum ianya dipam terus ke atas tangki air yang besar di setiap blok bangunan A, B, C, D dan E.

Penggunaan bekalan elektrik untuk menjalankan kerja mengepam air terus ke atas memerlukan perbelanjaan penggunaan elektrik seharian di mana lima pengepam air berfungsi setiap masa.

2) Motor pengepam air yang berfungsi selama 24 jam tanpa berhenti kadang kadang boleh menyebabkan motor pengepam tersebut bakar dan rosak. Setiap kali proses membaiki motor pengepam air akan menelan belanja di dalam sekitar RM 1,500.00 sehingga RM 3,500.00 bergantung kepada jenis kerosakan. Pembaikian motor dan alat elektrik memerlukan kos.

3) Penyelenggaran ke atas bola pelampung yang berfungsi sebagai alat kawalan mengawal air daripada melimpah keluar dari kolam air supaya bilik mengepam tidak dibanjiri air. Setiap bola pelampung berharga di antara RM 2,000.00 ke atas. Ada lima biji bola pelampung. Kesemua lima biji pelampung telah rosak. 

4) Penyelenggaran alat pengepam air untuk mengepam air keluar jika bola pelampung gagal berfungsi mengawal air daripada melimpah keluar ke dalam bilik pengepam. Apabila terdapat limpahan air, motor pengepam akan mula berfungsi secara automatik mengepam air keluar. Kesemua pengepam air yang ada, gagal berfungsi sehingga hari ini.

5) Pekerja pembersihan yang pada setiap waktu menggunakan air untuk mencuci lantai, mencuci kawasan bilik pembuangan sampah di setiap tingkat, mencuci tong pembuangan sampah semasa sampah ditarik dan dibuang di tempat pembuangan sampah serta mencuci tempat utama pembuangan sampah sarap.  

Penggunaan air amatlah diperlukan untuk menjalankan aktiviti pembersihan supaya kita dapat menghindari jangkitan kuman ataupun bakteria yang boleh menyebabkan seseorang jatuh sakit. Suasana tempat yang bersih, sihat dan nyaman adalah keutamaan kami. Penyelenggaran ini memerlukan kos. Siapa yang hendak membayar penggunaan air tersebut?

6) Gaji tenaga pekerja yang harus memantau segala rekod penggunaan air di setiap unit rumah. Kerja kerja pembaikian paip air yang bocor akibat kerosakan memerlukan kos. 

7) Pembayaran secubic meter air sebanyak RM 1.38 yang dikenakan ke atas pengguna, dikutip dan dibayar balik terus kepada pihak Syabas. Pihak pengurusan tidak mempunyai sebarang keuntungan. Kos menyelenggara siapa yang akan tanggung?  

8) Penggunaan tandas dan bilik air sehingga tangki najis penuh memerlukan pihak IWK menarik segala kumbahan keluar juga memerlukan kos untuk menyelenggara.

9) Aktiviti penggunaan air untuk pencucian kereta yang disediakan secara percuma oleh pihak pengurusan. Selama ini pihak pengurusan tidak pernah melarang sesiapa yang ingin menggunakan air untuk mencuci kenderaan mereka.

10) Kos menyelenggara kolam renang yang memerlukan motor pengepam, motor pembersihan dan sebagainya (disebabkan oleh kewangan yang buruk - kolam tidak dapat berfungsi)

Kesemua aktiviti yang tertera di atas "MELIBATKAN PENGGUNAAN AIR" dan ianya memerlukan kewangan bagi menjalankan aktiviti yang sihat serta berfaedah kepada semua pihak. Pengunaan air memerlukan sumber kewangan untuk menjalankan aktiviti yang melibatkan air.

Persoalannya sekarang? Siapakah yang harus bertanggungjawab mengenai kos perbelanjaan untuk menjalankan segala aktiviti yang melibatkan penggunaan air di atas? Pengerusi? Setiausaha? Bendahari? AJK? Penduduk? Penghuni? Warga Tua atau Kanak Kanak?  Adakah isu pemotongan air ini masih menghantui anda? 

Bah kata pepatah :

Tepuk Dada, Tanya Selera

Melabur, membeli serta memilih untuk menjadikan kawasan Apartment Bayu Villa sebagai tempat tinggal keluarga anda, kita sepatutnya memahami akan kedudukan dan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang penghuni melaksanakan tanggungjawab (membuat pembayaran tunggakan) supaya Bayu Villa boleh naik kembali kepada zaman kemegahannya.  

Kita seharusnya insaf dan sedar akan diri kita bahawa kesilapan telah berlaku semasa membuat pemilihan untuk menyokong pihak pengurusan JMB yang ditubuhkan pada November 2013. Menyalahkan mereka ke atas apa yang berlaku hari ini tidak akan mengembalikan apa yang telah berlaku.

Bah kata pepatah :

Nasi Sudah Menjadi Bubur

Membuat pilihan yang tepat, melihat dan memandang ke hadapan serta bekerjasama dengan Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) Bayu Villa yang baru merupakan langkah yang paling wajar dalam menyelamatkan situasi yang ada sekarang.

Kami di sini adalah untuk membantu dan bukannya untuk menyelewengkan wang yang dicurahkan melalui titik peluh anda.


  1. Pemotongan air sudah patut dilakukan sejak JMB lama lagi... adalah tidak adil bagi penghuni penghuni yang tidak mempunyai tunggakkan tetapi terpaksa menanggung kesusahan dan kepahitan. Cadangan yang dikemukan oleh JMB amat patut. BENDAHARI jmb telah memberi peluang kepada penduduk untuk berbincang plan bayaran ansuran. Sekiranya ingkar maka pemotongan akan dilakukan.. bukan kah ini satu cadangan yg baik?? Dan saya tidak faham bagaimana lagi cara yg berhemah patut dilakukan?? Sekiranya ada cara yg lebih bagus saya sarankan persatuan penduduk megemukan idea tersebut! Sudah tiba masanya untuk mengambil tindakan... kalau tak silap dlm akta pun ada tertulis..
    bg sesiapa yg mempunyai tunggakan sila lah jelaskan ... jgn smpi tindakan dah ambil br nk bising..

    1. JMB tak ada hak mengunci air rumah, ia adalah satu kesalahan jenayah, saya dah dapat nasihat dari 3 orang peguam, mereka kata JMB memang tak berhak mengunci air. Tuan rumah boleh buat report polis dan saman JMB. Sebenarnya JMB sendiri pun faham tindakan sebegini adalah salah dari segi undang2.. tapi JMB masih degil nak buat demikian, JMB ingat penduduk2 di BV adalah bodoh dan boleh buat sesuka hati mereka..

    2. JMB mesti instruct AJK JMB pergi ke setiap rumah demi rumah untuk terangkan pada mereka situasi BV dan minta mereka bayar. dengan cara ini saya rasa ramai tentu akan bayar. setiap AJK incharge satu block. dalam satu bulan dah boleh habis berbincang dengan semua penduduk2 di BV.

      jangan guna kekerasan dengan mereka termasuk kunci meter air, ramai penduduk di sini adalah terdiri dari high educated people dan juga ada yang macam samseng. jika guna kekerasan lagilah ramai yang tak puas hati dan tak akan baya

    3. You are wrong. They have authority to cut off water. If all people no paid water bill, they din't cut off I think Syabas also will cut. There is the same. Please don't keep say they no authority to cut off water, please keep say we will paid the water bill and management fees.

    4. I'm not wrong, saya sendiri telah pergi jumpa 3 orang peguam, dan mereka dah nyatakan bahawa pihak management memang tak ada hak nak potong air... saya pun dah personally tanya Mr. Lee ( Bendahari JMB ) dan dia sendiri pun dah katakan memang menyalahi undang2 jika JMB potong air.. JMB boleh dikenakan saman jika JMB berbuat demikian.. tapi disebabkan JMB perlukan duit.. JMB terpaksa mengambil risiko yang besar dimana mereka boleh dikenakan saman..

      ada faham....

  2. Kadang2 tak faham kenapa persatuan penduduk ditubuhkan.. dulu masa JMB lama tak pernah pulak terlintas nk buat..
    jgn asyik mencari kesalahan org lah.. cuba sokong sama idea JMB??

    1. I think you never tell your lawyer in full story, so that he say JMB don't have authority. Please tell people in full story. Don't do until Bayu Villa like cheap condominium.

    2. I'm not wrong, saya sendiri telah pergi jumpa 3 orang peguam, dan mereka dah nyatakan bahawa pihak management memang tak ada hak nak potong air... saya pun dah personally tanya Mr. Lee ( Bendahari JMB ) dan dia sendiri pun dah katakan memang menyalahi undang2 jika JMB potong air.. JMB boleh dikenakan saman jika JMB berbuat demikian.. tapi disebabkan JMB perlukan duit.. JMB terpaksa mengambil risiko yang besar dimana mereka boleh dikenakan saman..

      You go and ask Mr. Lee youself..

    3. How to trust u tat u hv jumpa 3 orang penguam, can show prove tak..since everyone is reading this blog. Make yr statement firm and strong? If u show the evidence, then we trust u.

  3. Support JMB go ahead. if residents didn't payment maintenance fee to cut water.

    1. who are those 3 peguam- tlg bagi nombor talipon dan company disini, aku nak jugak talipoin tanya betol betol


    2. tak payah nak minta no. talipon.. pergi aje tanya Mr. Lee.. dia sendiri yang tahu perbuatan dia org adalah salah dari segi undang2..

    3. No evidence, don't try to escape...

  4. This is a good move most people will appreciate it. The problem makers must be those who have accumulated big dues over the years.
    As mentioned before share details on how to make the payment as not everyone can walk in.

  5. Penduduk Bayu Villa memang serupa keldai, betul2 degil. Nak pakai tapi tak nak bertanggungjawab..
    Macam mana baju dicuci, lantai dimop, masak, mandi &.lain2. Fikirlah sekalian.. Semuanya guna WATER atau AIR....
    Kerjasama lah. Kurangkan complaint. kami semua bagaikan tinggal sekampung.
    BERAT SAMA DIPIKUL Bayangkan tiada AIR, kamu marahkan JMB tak kerja. JMB lepas tak kerja tu pulak kamu anggap dia orang macam Tuhan... Yang boleh kerja pulak kamu anggap mereka macam tahi
    Wahai, penduduk Bayu Villa...
    Fikirlah........ Bantal tidur kamu tu letak lah tinggi sikit. FIKIRLAH.....

  6. What wrong with the persatuan penduduk? Apa yang hemah dan apa yang tak hemah? Saya rasa JMB buat pertanyaan yang betul. Saya tak melihat sebarang perkataan yang tak betul.

  7. Jawapan diatas adalah munasabah.....air tak naik sendiri....fikirlah dengan otak yang ade....jangan ikut perasaan. Kalau tak nak bayar lagi....angkut air dalam bilik pam ke rumah.....good idea.

  8. Kenapa nk salakkan persatuan penduduk..yg saya tau telah ditubuhkan sejak #2010 lagi oleh mr.govin..tapi pandangkan dia juga buildinganager utk bayu villa management utk penting diri dan tl aktive.lagi satu jmb lama oleh titus and gang hanya bape bulan aje pegang...yg mana.dia org berontak pasal lama punya bernard pon tak baru punya carilah jalan apa mcm penduduk mau bayar...banyak org nk tengok dulu lif..kolam..ok baru mau bayar...panggil bernard masuk..buatkan semula jadi ok..baru ramai bayar...buat dulu lah..kasi bersih awak tahi....

  9. Jikalau Persatuan Penduduk mempunyai apa apa cadangan yg baik, boleh berikan kepada JMB dan bukan asyik mencari kesilapan JMB. Ini bukannya kata nak tolong bangunkan keadaan kritikal yg sedang di hadapi.
    Dah lah korang cakap senang tapi kalau di fikir semula korang yg berada di sebelah JMB, apa yg boleh kamu lakukan dgn komitmen yg dikenakan oleh syabas & TNB kemudian dgn perbelanjaan yg mungkin akan sampai ke 70 ribu sebulan untuk bayaran ansuran sampai hutang di selesaikan kemudian degan kutipan bulanan yang hanya sampai ke 50 hingga 60 ribu bulanan.
    Sebagai penduduk, saya pun akan risau akan masalah pemotongan air & elektrik.
    Harap pada masa sekarang, bukannya sesuai utk menyalahkan sesiapa ataupun cari kesilapan yg kecil seperti ini.
    cuba teguhkan semangat setiap orang utk pertahankan keaadan ini.

    1. Setahu saya RA adalah persatuan yg ditubuhkan sejak 2010 utk check and balance.Di ujudkan semula setelah tidak aktif oleh founder yg lama...saya tidak nampak dimana Ra cari kesilapan..dia orang sebenarnya ingin membantu JMB..tapi kerana egonya JMB..tak mau dengar pandangan..RA selalu saya lihat ada menghantar surat pada JMB...tapi no tespon dan anggap idra RA tabuleh paai

    2. klu sejak 2010 check and balance, manalah BV jd camnie .. masih sah ke persatuan nie

  10. I support the questions of our RA. It is a matter of ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS not diverting from it. Yes, everyone should pay maintenance and water fees but the way (acting) JMB are doing is wrong in legality.

    Who arranged the gotong royong? JMB or RA? You all think Bayu Villa cleanup itself after 2 months without any cleaner? RA is help us residents as a check and balance to JMB. Who will stand up against JMB if they did it like our previous management (hiding all required information for all residents - debts, contract, hidden JMB members, falling metal gate that almost killed a little girl, missing fund, no paid bills, etc)? (I bet many of you did not stay here that time or don't care about the problems / debts incurred since everything is LOOKING OKAY.)

    Think logically everyone.

    Should you play by force, there will be other group that will flex their muscle as well and this may go on and on till everyone dead. To our president that did promise to have a meeting to attend to all our questions but yet to see any date & time set.

    Please set it ASAP to explain yourself of your promise. Don't be like some politicians where say one thing but forgotten other things.

    There are plenty of residents that do not trust management or JMB anymore. Why? Ask those residents. Show you're different that those previous management.

    Trust need to be earned not given.

    1. Ya menang betul. I 1000% agree with u. Itu FAT LADY ingat hanya ada 20 ~ 30 orang yang pergi undi dia. dia dah rasa bangga dan sombong sangat.. dia tak fikir terdapat lagi 700 orang yang tak undi dia..

    2. Janganlah panggil nama yang bukan2. Sila kita bincang baik2. Jangan sampai bermusuh-musuhan sesama sendiri.

      Okay brother?

    3. I agree with Bva , jangan gunakan Nama bukan-bukan, itu tidak sopan dan tidak bertatasusila... Balik ke sekolah untuk belajar menghormati orang .

  11. Semasa air dipotong oleh syabas, adakah persatuan penduduk dapat tolong buat apa? yang Akan Datang,jikalau TNB nak potong electric, tapi masih tak cukup kutipan wang untuk bayar hutang apa cadangan oleh Persatuan Penduduk yang boleh tolong??? Ali Persatuan Penduduk boleh keluarkan duit tolong selesaikan?

  12. I suggest you to be president and Prakash be a team and solve the problems at Bayu talking without thinking...can solve this problems , now u all tak puas hati sebab tak boleh curi duit lagi...Prakash tak bayar hutang...buka 2 kedai...lagi...kedai pun kotor macam tahi...

  13. Bmv hmt & Prakash..setiausaha RA...boleh pinjam duit tak bayar hutang tanpa kutipan maintenance...sila jawab

  14. I believe both side also have their point of view. But thinking of this, RA do u think now is the correct time to do all this?
    Come on & be mature to solve all the problems.
    Actual fact is infront of you but why still denies it & keep saying all the thing that has been done by previous JMB?
    If you still thinking the new JMB will doing the same thing like old JMB why not you come out with the solutions & sit down together to discuss and make it success.
    Don't just keep asking what is their plan and their promises.
    Beside this, I personally want to thank you for organising the gotong royong and this is the step that everyone want to see but do you know some of others has said after you has organised the gotong royong?
    Please go out and collect the info.
    What I have heard is they going to blaming the new JMB that they still need do the cleaning by their own after they has pay the maintenance. Because of this they are going to stop paying the maintenance fee.
    So when you all organise this thing, are you really explain the details to others?
    Or you want to show to others the new JMB are useless?
    Further to talk more useless thing at here, I hope both of JMB & RA can do their own duties but make clear to all & not sabotage or try to control each other.
    Otherwise this Bayu Villa will sinking faster than you think.

    1. Paying up debts is one thing. How to get the debt paid is another.

      We're like a business with a heavy debt. So what do you think will turn us around?

      Debt restructuring exercise.

      How do you do it successfully?

      Prepare an action plan which consist of multiple possible outcome.

      Next, talk to your vendor / supplier ( aka service provider such as TNB, Syabas, etc for our case) about delay of payment / reduced payment with terms and / or interest rate. Then talk to customer (aka residents) and inform them of the debts situation (along with the debt restructuring plan) and request for urgent and / or reduced / no interest payment. Lastly take legal action for the remaining stubborn customer that did not want to pay up.

      Won't this way reduces the friction between all of us and at the same time promote goodwill?

      FYI, I'm may or may not be an RA member. I'm may or may not be a JMB member. I'm may or may not be a cat prowling around our place but I'm a residents here which follow rules. Rules of law provided by our government and not AH LONG style.

      Thank you.

    2. One more thing, did or did you not read the notice by RA in every block asking residents to pay up their balance to management?

      The way current JMB doing it are just about the same during the reign of B & F (if you follow the Bayu Villa Saga stories).

      Thank you.

    3. If JMB already informed to pay maintenance , why RA become dubbing for tis moment who is solving the problem with TNB, SYABAS..etc??? RA or JMB..

    4. If you are not the member of RA then why answer on their behalf?
      I was just 1 of the resident in BV and hope that both of this JMB & RA can work out the thing to solve and recover the BV to better enviroment. Not to pointing or blaming who wrong.
      If RA still have this kind of thinking in the mind, then it will no different with previous JMB where just want to overpower the control in BV.
      Just only talk without any action will be useless. And action without planning also will not efficient.
      Don't just thinking with 1 or 2 months the new JMB or RA can save BV where got so messy with all the problems.
      For my personally, I also giving them a try in 6 months to monitor the outcome in what they has done.
      And I hope everyone here can think maturely. You all are not kids anymore.
      We all now staying in the same compartment and doesn't want our home being collapse.

    5. I find it quite amusing with all those that keep yapping about be mature / think mature but their words still blames others or trying to pin the blame to others. So I'll just say this below.

      YOU WIN. You can go and collect what-ever prize you can MATURELY think (without even giving any suggestions to solve our current predicament).

      You may delete my post here as well since SOME of those Anonymous poster are from JMB / Friends of JMB.

  15. Faster collect all outstanding maintenance fee, and bring securities services in BV pls..

  16. JMB tak ada hak mengunci air rumah, ia adalah satu kesalahan jenayah, saya dah dapat nasihat dari 3 orang peguam, mereka kata JMB memang tak berhak mengunci air. Tuan rumah boleh buat report polis dan saman JMB. Sebenarnya JMB sendiri pun faham tindakan sebegini adalah salah dari segi undang2.. tapi JMB masih degil nak buat demikian, JMB ingat penduduk2 di BV adalah bodoh dan boleh buat sesuka hati mereka..

    1. thank you for the link given....
      from the article on the last part:
      A comprehensive mechanism has been spelt out in both the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 and Strata Titles Act 1985 when it comes to the liability of proprietors, owners and even in some case, tenants of strata property in paying all the charges imposed on them in a strata property. Before there was the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007, one of the serious issue brought up by housing developers managing strata development is the failure and the refusal of owners to pay their dues. There were cases where the housing developers resorting to cutting off the water to the specific unit which refused to pay their maintenance charges. With the provisions under law and the recovery cost being allowed to be added, either for the joint management body or management corporation, such practice shall not be a point of contention anymore.

  17. JMB mesti instruct AJK JMB pergi ke setiap rumah demi rumah untuk terangkan pada mereka situasi BV dan minta mereka bayar. dengan cara ini saya rasa ramai tentu akan bayar. setiap AJK incharge satu block. dalam satu bulan dah boleh habis berbincang dengan semua penduduk2 di BV.

    jangan guna kekerasan dengan mereka termasuk kunci meter air, ramai penduduk di sini adalah terdiri dari high educated people dan juga ada yang macam samseng. jika guna kekerasan lagilah ramai yang tak puas hati dan tak akan bayar.

    1. Apa tugas dan kerja AJK ? Kita tak nampak pun fungsi sebenar AJK. President sepatutnya arrange tugas untuk mereka seperti yang dinyatakan di atas.


    3. Ya betul, I support.

    4. Support JMB. Those residents didn't paying maintenance fee will cuts water. Not point for argument. Pls shown your attend meet with JMB. Refer your SNP policy before buy this condominium bv.

  18. Info for everyone...

    ACT 663 Malaysia

    Section 34. Failure or refusal to pay charges.
    Any person who, without any reasonable excuse, fails or refuses to pay maintenance and
    management charges commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
    five thousand ringgit and shall also be liable to a further fine not exceeding fifty ringgit for every day
    during which the offence is continued after the conviction.

    It is uncommon to find a minority of characters that chose not to pay the maintenance charges. They think they can get away with it. The BCPA is very clear. Everyone has to pay and owned up to the charges. If they don’t pay, the JMC can take action. Committee will take action according to the following procedures
    • Determine the type of breaches
    •Actions in violation of house rules
    •Over due of maintenance and sinking fund charges by 30 days

    JMB action
    •Document the breach accordingly
    •Served the owner notice No 1- giving the owner 14 days to rectify the breach.
    •If owner continue to be in breach served the owner with Notice No 2 giving the owner another 14 days to rectify the breach.
    •Notices shall be given to the unit owner or its tenant. Owner or tenant must acknowledge acceptance by signing an acceptance slip.
    •In event that the tenant or the unit owner refuses to acknowledge acceptance, the notice will be left at the unit concerned or in the mailbox or the registered address and it shall be deemed to have been served

    Additional action to be taken
    • At the end of D14 from the date of notice No 1 and breach has not been rectified; the management will cut the water supply.
    •Water supply can only be restored after breached has been rectified and the necessary fines has been paid.
    •At the end of D28, if breach has not been rectified, management will block the access to the car park and the owner’s car shall be clamped.

    •Access to the car park will be allowed and clamp will be removed only when •breach has been rectified AND
    •the necessary fines has been paid.


    The fines for the specific action to restore services are as follows:
    •Restoration of water supply: RM50
    •Removal of clamp: RM50
    • Reactivation of parking access: RM50

    Actions involving COB

    If the maintenance fee is in arrears which is equivalent or more than 6 months of the maintenance charges the management will report to the COB
    •COB will issue notice to unit owner to pay(s33,BCPA)
    •Failure to pay the maintenance charge after COB notice issued, the unit owner will be fined for a sum not more than RM3,000. If the owner continues to ignore the payment, COB will impose an additional amount of RM50 daily until full settlement of fine and outstanding charges.
    •If payment is still not made within 7 days from notice period, COB will initiate the auction of the property. (s33,(5) BCPA)

    Penalty of not paying Maintenance Charges
    •If unit owner don’t pay, COB can take the following action •Being fined not more than RM3000 AND daily fine of RM50 till outstanding charges are fully paid
    •COB can auction property to recover the outstanding charges.

  19. FULLY SUPPORT !! what so worried about been cut water if you pay? no make sense... or why not those "smart" complain people handle all this shit and we see what u can do. "KITA MESTI BERTANGGUNG JAWAB"


    1. I wonder why do you keep biting on the president - are you the one who repeatly wants her to stepped dwn and ridicule her here all this while? waht is wrong with her and what is wrong with you? u wan to be the president?

  21. according to ACT 663 Malaysia,
    Yes. JMB can take action to cut the water supply if the house rule was include this as this will consider of Actions in violation of house rules. This is common practise by all JMB in state without harsh action to be taken.
    If they really want to do in harsh action, they can apply to ACT 663 Section 33.
    33. Recovery of arrears of charges.
    (1) Where the amount of charges payable is in arrears for six months, the Commissioner may, at the
    request of the developer or Body, issue a warrant of attachment in Form B of the Second Schedule
    authorizing the attachment of any movable property belonging to the purchaser which may be found
    in the parcel or elsewhere within the local authority area.
    (2) No warrant of attachment shall be issued by the Commissioner unless the Commissioner has
    served a notice in Form A of the Second Schedule on the purchaser or any one of the purchasers of
    the parcel, if more than one, requesting him to pay the arrears within fourteen days of the service by
    posting or delivery.
    (3) The warrant shall be executed by an officer from the office of the Commissioner who shall make
    an inventory of the property attached and at the same time give notice in Form C of the Second
    Schedule to the person who at the time of attachment appears to be the person in possession of the
    (4)Such officer may, in the daytime, efect forcible entry into any parcel or building or any part of the
    parcel or building for the purpose of effecting the attachment.
    (5) Unless the arrears and the collection charges are paid within seven days of the attachment of the
    property, the property attached shall be sold by public auction.
    (6) Where any amount is recovered by the Commissioner under this section, the Commissioner may
    deduct from such amount collection charges of such amount as may be prescribed by the Minister,
    with the concurrence of the State Authority.
    (7) Any amount recovered by the Commissioner, after the deduction of the collection charges, shall
    be deposited into the Building Maintenance Fund as soon as practicable.
    (8) Any surplus, after the deduction of any amount by the Commissioner under subsection (6), shall
    be paid to the person who, at the time of the attachment was or appeared to be in possession of the

  22. persatuan penduduk - are you legal? show ur registration number
    in your letter head for transparency. to prove that you dont lie to your members..

    New Jmb - so how many more months to go to show cob sijil. cant you guys expedised it.

    BV do not want barking and biting each other- especially persautan penduduk - if you are here to do betterment for BV. you should have understand more what is happening to BV rather than pressing on JMB to do this and that- they are not ah long who can come out with big $$, and you ppl did not come out with $$ to help when BV faces emegencency.

    I m no member RA, no JMB member but a prompt paymaster for my bill and M hoping BV to improve and recover.

    Settle whatever is needed at this current moment- security, -syabas,tnb, quit rent, lift .

    as for bernard thong, Titus raj, It is never too late to go for them.

    1. Ni olang tak pandai baca RA pon tak taw

    2. Upload lu Ra punya sijil Kat sini..biar penduduk boleh semak ngan bhg berkuasa ade betul ke nie atau gang penyeleweng bertopeng plak

    3. papar copy sah di papan notis- memudahkan penduduk semak ngan pihak berkuasa sijil nie sah ke atau lg satu satu gang bertopeng ngan gila duit pangkat

    4. papar copy sah sijil persatuan supay memudahkan penduduk semak ngan pihak berkuasa..penduduk bkn nya bodoh ,jgn nak mainkan mereka

      ke persatuan gak olangolang yg main isu yg gila nama gak..nak duit gak

    5. Say no to rumours, just support JMB for betterment !!!!

  23. go to
    semua ada situ.
    Kena bacalah.....

  24. hi to all... not only JMB, the mgmt also facing the same problem collecting the default payment. Syabas must give the rights to the JMB to execute water disconnection. its not fair to JMB to pay on behalf of the defaulter where they still an enjoy the water service without paying for it.
    there are some ppl demanding the JMB to go house by house by to beg for payment;
    did u all know JMB is not a beggar. there are a body to manage n maintain the said property?
    its the responsibility of the residents to pay the water bills and owner must make sure their tenants do that on time.
    Disconnection is the best n ultimatum solution to make ppl pay the water bills.
    its the responsibility of the user as well.

    Dont put the blame on the JMB or mgmt.
    we must play our part corectly before playing the blaming game.
    thank You.

  25. i saw everyone discuss bout this issue can i sue my JMB?
    am living different condo. and i brought my house since Nov 2019 before lockdown .i able to pay my maintains fee once hit march 2020 movement control order i unable fulfill my maintainers fee. and after 6 month without pay any fee i travel back to Singapore for 2 years. on 2020 sept my younger brother who stay in malaysia moving in to my condo . and he realize access card have been block .i quickly ask him check with JMB . JMB told me have been a year i never pay any fee.after discuss with JMB ,my Maintainers fee is RM 320 permonth JMB requested minimum RM388 extra payment for outstanding bill.and i agree with what JMB request . and for 1 years plus long every month i actually paying extra amount to JMB RM500 instead of RM388.
    but on july 15 2022 night around 8pm JMB cut of my water without any notice.
    lift mailbox house door there is no notice for me. i was having shower with shampoo on top of my head and in the same time i was sitting on the toilet bowl pooping. suddenly no water. how i gonna clean my hair and my butt? with coffee powder? so my question is can i sue my JMB?
